Leadership Development

Over the last decades, Africa has been affected by extreme poverty but the problem is not ‘poverty’ itself, instead its ‘bad leadership’. This is all due to leaders who have not been equipped and educated to lead better, greedy for power without Godly characters and values. We therefore strategically mobilize church leaders and pastors in both cities and remote villages of Uganda to train and equip them with essential Christian values of integrity, stewardship and transparency. We do this through partnerships with our western church friends who volunteer to serve with us on either short term or long term missions. A leadership training activity may take between 3 to 4 days, equipping, inspiring and motivating church leaders and pastors to lead better in their different ministry callings. We have witnessed tremendous testimonies of church leaders who have been transformed through these trainings. Many of these have been challenged to plant churches, start schools, love their spouses and families better, and educated their children which has transformed society.