Rural and remote community families are affected by so many social challenges and have encountered needs which they cannot solve by themselves. Shoes on school going children’s feet are a big need which their parents are not able to provide. These children walk long distances to school bear footed which causes many bacterial infections in their feet, hence serious diseases. As a Ministry, we believe these children do not deserve this, but we desire to see them wear shoes in their feet for their better health conditions.
The cost of a pair of shoes goes for only $17 and this year we target to gift 100 school going children with pairs of shoes. These children can be given hope and make their feet strong as they take steps to school. This as well brings a smile on their faces and builds confidence in them to be healthy and study hard. We obviously cannot do this without the generosity of our friends and partners with whom we collaborate with to make such a project and our mission work possible.
We target to raise $1,700 which will go towards buying pairs of shoes for vulnerable school going children in the remotest community villages where we carry out our missions.